Strategic Framework

Our Purpose

CLP powers the sustainable development of communities in which we operate by providing a safe, reliable and affordable electricity to our customers with minimal impact to the environment. We aim to be the leading responsible energy provider in the Asia-Pacific region, from one generation to the next.

Our Strategy

How we serve our purpose

To leverage new and emerging technologies to aid the progressive decarbonisation of our portfolio, empower our customers in making better energy choices, enhance performance of our operations, and to evolve and grow our business along with the transition.

Our Values

What guide us in fulfilling our purpose

CLP cares for people, the community and the environment. We care about performance, respect laws and standards, and value innovation and knowledge.

Our Governance

How we hold ourselves accountable

Good corporate governance is a key enabler of long-term value creation, which enhances our credibility and safeguards the interests of our stakeholders. We remain committed to doing the right thing at all times, and to embedding a corporate governance framework that our stakeholders respect and understand.

Key Performance Highlights

Our Strategy

How we serve our purpose

Continue to grow a sustainable business

Total Earnings
HK$ 4,657 million
2018: HK$13,550 million
Operating earnings
HK$ 11,121 million
2018: HK$13,982 million
HK$ 7,782 million
2018: HK$7,630 million
Electricity sent out
88,573 million kWh
2018: 92,333 million kWh
Retail customer accounts in Hong Kong and Australia
5.11 million
2018: 5.15 million

Leverage new technologies to aid decarbonisation

Key innovation projects and investments
Launched Smart Energy Connect
Invested in R&B Technology Holding Co. Ltd.
Carbon intensity
0.62 kg CO2/kWh
2018: 0.66 kg CO2/kWh
Proportion of Renewable energy
2018: 12.8%
Proportion of Non-carbon emitting capacity
2018: 24.1%

Empower our customers in making better energy choices

Smart Meters
connected in Hong Kong since 2018
Demand Response Programmes
118 MW
demand reduced or capacity contracted in Hong Kong and Australia
Feed-in Tariff Scheme in Hong Kong
90 MW
approved or connected to the grid since May 2018

Enhance operational performance

Safety Performance
Lost Time Injury Rate
0.11  2018: 0.10
Total Recordable Injury Rate
0.38  2018: 0.25
1case  2018: 2 cases
Reliability in Hong Kong
2018: 99.995%
Environmental regulatory non-compliance cases
10 cases
2018: 2 cases

Evolve our business along with the transition

Operating Earnings* by asset type
% (HK$ million)
Total 12,389
Coal Gas Nuclear Renewable Transmission, distribution and retail Others

*Before unallocated expenses

Capital investment# incurred by asset type
% (HK$ million)
Total 12,028
Coal Gas Nuclear Renewable Transmission, distribution and retail Others

#On accrual basis

Our Governance

How we hold ourselves accountable


Dow Jones Sustainability Index
Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability Index
MSCI ESG Leaders Indexes
CDP – Climate Change

Remuneration Policy

How we link remuneration to CLP’s purpose and strategy

These are amongst the broad range of strategy-linked performance indicators considered and balanced by the Board when determining incentive payments and total remuneration. The determination of performance outcomes is not formulaic but based on the Board’s judgment, ensuring alignment between shareholders and management.